Karlsplatz 2, Top 16
A 1010 Vienna
T: +43 (0)1 504 98 63-26
F: +43 (0)1 504 98 63-20
E: office@woschitzgroup.com
Company wording: Woschitz group ZT GmbH
Commercial register number: FN 446774 x
Place of jurisdiction: Vienna Commercial Court
Object of the company: Civil engineer for civil engineering
UID: ATU 70317258
Location Vienna
Karlsplatz 2/6-7
A 1010 Vienna
T +43 1 504 98 63-0
F +43 1 504 98 63-20
E office@rwt.at
Location Feldkirchen
Muldenweg 11
A 9560 Feldkirchen
FN 270884 i
Place of jurisdiction: Vienna Commercial Court
Object of the company: civil engineer for construction
UID: ATU62158729
Eisenstadt location
Ruster Strasse 62
A 7000 Eisenstadt
T +43 2682 227 44-0
F +43 2682 227 44-11
E office@rwe-zt.at
Oberwart location
Molkereistrasse 2
A 7400 Oberwart,
T +43 3352 31945-0
E oberwart@rwe-zt.at
Location Vienna
Karlsplatz 2, Top 16
A 1010 Vienna
T +43 (0)1 504 98 63-26
F +43 (0)1 504 98 63-20
E office@woschitzgroup.com
FN 184334 f
Place of jurisdiction: LG Eisenstadt
Object of the company: civil engineer for construction and building technology
UID: ATU47492501
Gabrielerstrasse 2/Top 9
2340 Modling
T +43 (0)2236 866 350
F +43 (0)2236 866 350-50
E office@dwp-zt.at
FN 417862d
Place of jurisdiction: LG Wiener Neustadt
Object of the company: civil engineer for construction
UID: ATU68767088
Karlsplatz 2, Top 16
A 1010 Vienna
T +43 1 504 98 63-26
E office@interrec.at
FN: FN 441833 f
Place of jurisdiction: Vienna Commercial Court
Object of the company: Preparation of valuation reports
UID: ATU70212502
Ruster Strasse 62
A 7000 Eisenstadt
T +43 2682 22 744-0
F +43 2682 22 744-11
E office@rwsv.at
Place of jurisdiction: LG Eisenstadt
Object of the company: generally sworn and court-certified expert
UID: ATU39622609
Rudoleckého 858/23
669 02, Znojmo
Czech republic
T +43 699 150 49 804
E office@rwtplus.cz
IC: 07053142
DIČ: CZ07053142
Společnost vedená v Obchodním rejstříku u Krajského soudu v Brně, oddíl C, vložka. 105850
PR department Woschitz Group
Software Engineering Woschitz Group