Woschitz Group

CEO: Richard Woschitz

Management, office management: Christoph Bauer

Location: Vienna

Competence Center: 

-Research & Innovation

T: +43 1 504 98 63-26

E: office@woschitzgroup.com

Supporting our visions through research and development to ensure the stability of the company.

RWT plus

Management, office management: Dietmar Ronach / Paul Track

Locations: Vienna, Feldkirchen, Wolkersdorf

Competence Center: 

-Structural engineering

-Building Physics


T: +43 1 504 98 63-0

E: office@rwt.at


T: +43 4276 4028-0

E: kaernten@rwt.at

Solving complex tasks with special challenges - that's our advantage.

RWT plus CZ

Managing directors: Petr Cada

Management: Petr Cada / Tomáš Zedník

Location: Znaim

Competence Center: 

-Structural engineering

T: +43 699 15049804 

E: office@rwtplus.cz

Creating innovative structures using modern BIM processes

Woschitz Engineering

Management, office management, authorized representatives:

Prok. Walter Pichler / Managing Director Paul Moritz / Managing Director Martin Mayer / Managing Director Peter Weinzettl / Managing Director Roman Ringhofer

Locations: Eisenstadt, Oberwart, Modling, Vienna

Competence Center:

-Structural engineering

-Construction management

-Energy design

-Infrastructure construction


T: +43 2682 227 44-0

E: office@rwe-zt.at


T: +43 3352 319 45-0

E: oberwart@rwe-zt.at


Innovative engineering, professional project management and sustainable energy concepts are the topics of the future for us.

DWP engineers

Managing directors: Thomas Oberger

Management: Thomas Oberger / Stefan Breuer

Location: Modling

Competence Center: 

-Structural engineering

T: +43 2236 866 350

E: office@dwp-zt.at

We see our engineering work as integral planning and the use of BIM and Lean.

Expert office

Management: Expert Hans-Peter Huber

Location: Eisenstadt

Competence Center: 

- Findings & reports

T: +43 2682 22 744-0

E: office@rwsv.at

Competence, trustworthiness and conscientiousness form the basis for good cooperation with our clients.


Management: COO Michael Malinek

Location: Vienna

Competence Center: 

-Real estate appraisal

-Real Estate Consulting

T: +43 1 504 98 63-26

E: office@interrec.at

Independence, interdisciplinary and real estate-specific consulting and valuation expertise. We recognize real estate values.

Woschitz Holding

CEO: Richard Woschitz

Location: Vienna

T: +43 1 504 98 63-04

E: office@woschitzholding.com

Management Holding as the key to the strategic orientation of the competence centers of the Woschitz Group.
